These whole-house steam humidifiers add moisture to the house by passing steam through a dispersion tube connected to the duct system. The steam is created by heating water in an internal canister.
The Model 800 steam humidifier is ideal for a number of applications where evaporative models are less practical; such as mild or very arid climates, as well as larger homes and for high-capacity needs. Unit capacity is adjustable from 11.5 gpd to 34.6 gpd based on supply voltage and max current draw. The 800 includes an automatic control that delivers the correct level of humidity based on indoor and outdoor temperatures.
The Model 865 ductless steam humidifier includes a fan pack and is designed for homes without forced air heating systems. This ductless solution is ideal for homes with radiant or baseboard heat. Unit capacity is adjustable from 23.3 gpd to 34.6 gpd based on supply voltage and max current draw. Includes Model 65 digital manual control.